We are so excited for the new school year!
The Course Selection Process will begin January 21st when
Course Selection Sheets go home to students.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! College Pathways Night is Being scheduled
If you have questions about AP courses, the benefits of Rigorous courses, and how to best support your student as they Navigate Course Selections, please join us!
Support your student now by reviewing courses already completed, courses needed for graduation, post-high school plans, and the Charles County Program of Studies (linked below):
In December/January, counselors will be going to English classrooms to meet with students to input course selections.
At the end of 2nd Quarter, counselors will meet individually with students in order to ensure correct course selections and placements. Counselors do not have designated schedules for when they will be in a given English teacher's classroom. We are working hard to make sure each student's needs are met throughout the course selection process. Please be patient as we see each student in our assigned grades. At this time, Counselors are not available for appointments regarding course selection.
In order to ensure students are placed in the proper classes, students should make sure they have the following things:
1. Access to their High School Transcripts (found on Student VUE)
- Use this to check required classes still needed and progress toward completer programs.
2. Access their Program of Studies - Found here: Program of Studies
3. Course Selection Sheet
- Rising Freshman - Green
- Rising Sophomore - Pink
- Rising Juniors - Yellow
- Rising Seniors - Blue
Students should check their StudentVUE for teacher recommendations in order to determine which courses to sign up for next year. They need to have signatures from the following individuals before turning in their course selection sheets:
- Teachers or Department Chairs - For approval of class placement and prerequisites
- Student - On the back of the form
- Parent - On the back of the form
- Counselor - On the back of the form - signed when student meets with the counselor for online course selections in February.
Course Information
- Westlake Course Selection Instructions - SY 2025-2026
- Course Level Descriptions
- AP and Elective Course Highlights
- Virtual Academy and Home and Hospital Students
- Course Selection Assembly PowerPoint